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Why I chose to be a PT

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

I thought I wanted to be a dentist because I like to use my hands and see progress in my work, however I remembered that I probably wouldn't like looking into someone’s mouth day in and day out. During my sophomore year at Virginia Tech, the time came when I had to settle on a major and for that matter what would me my career of choice. There was an area of study entitled Human Nutrition Foods, and Exercise with a concentration in the sciences and it included all course work to prepare for pursuing advanced degrees in either Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Dentistry or any other clinical related fields.

I remembered when I was 10 (in the 6th grade) and my grandmother had a stroke which impacted her Left side. She moved in with us shortly after and I used to help her with her exercises and mobility during her recovery. And because of this experience is why I chose PT. I looked forward to helping her and I realized that I played a part in her ability to improve. I knew that I definitely wanted to be in the medical field however I chose PT because it meant that I would have the greatest impact on someone being able to do the things they love and no longer be held back by their disability.

I find that most people think of physical therapy as pain and torture, hurt and discomfort . While it is intended to strengthen the body in an effort to restore function; that comes as an inconvenience which could cause the day to day consumer to avoid it all together. Yet without it, so many would remain impaired and unable to take advantage of all that life can offer. Disability does not have to confine you. I enjoy that I can motivate, inspire and encourage a client to succeed during their recovery no matter how long that may take. And even though I have never endured a significant disability of my own, it matters to me that I put forth a huge effort in aiding someone to tackle their physical challenges, meet their goals and to make progress. I LOVE helping people and I look forward to being a part of you healthcare team!!!

Dr. Angela Onyekanne

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